NBS [re]ocon 2024 Vendor Registration

rocking a positive vibe

Event Date:

Thursday, September 19, 2024
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM


NBS Commercial Interiors
2595 Bellingham
Troy, MI 48083

NBS Contact:

Booth Fees

$600.00 single  |  $1,000.00 double
Space is limited. Complete your registration and submit payment to reserve your spot!

Payments can be made by check or credit card. If you would like to pay by credit card, NBS accounting will email you a secure link for payment. Please note credit cards may be subject to a processing fee.


Please keep in mind that our intent through booth fees and sponsorships is only to offset the overall costs of this event. Thanks in advance for your continued partnership and commitment to make this a great experience for all who attend!

In addition to general participation at the event, we look to our vendors to help sponsor some aspects of the activities throughout the day. 

As a sponsor, you will receive recognition on the NBS [re]ocon website as well as on signage throughout the facility on the day of the event.

Sponsorships range from
$250 – $1,000 and include:

  • Infused Water Station Sponsor – $250
  • Lunch Sponsor – $1,000
  • Cocktail Reception – $1,000
  • Dessert Station Sponsor – $500
  • Raffle Items – Accepting raffle items or a monetary donation of $25 – $100 or more. Items will be raffled to raise money for a selected charity.

Booth Assignment and Expo Map

The booth assignment and the exhibition map will be sent to all registered vendors approximately (3) weeks prior to the event. You will be able to see your booth assignment during the Vendor Logistics Meeting if attending in person.

NBS continues to strive to create a great event with fresh products, learning opportunities and networking all combined with some fun along the way. Our goal is to bring our collective clients together under one roof throughout a day that they, and we, find beneficial and worth the time investment.

Please be advised that we will also need hi-resolution logos for each manufacturer that you will be representing in order to promote your participation on the event webpage. Please supply a high-resolution jpeg (300dpi) or vectorized eps (Adobe Illustrator).

Vendor Registration

To register your company and products for [re]ocon 2024, please complete and submit the following form.

Vendor Registration

To register your company and products for [re]ocon 2024, please complete and submit the following form.

  • Please select one of the two Vendor Logistics Meetings to review the run of show, setup, teardown and answer any questions. There will be an option to join virtually. If attending in person, you will have an opportunity to see your booth location following the meeting. Please select a date below. An outlook invite will be sent with your registration confirmation with additional information.
  • Please list any additional team members who will be attending REOCON. Please provide names as they should appear on name tags.
    First NameLast Name 
  • We will be showcasing our vendor partner's new products on our REOCON website. Please list all manufacturers and specific products that you plan on representing and make special note of which ones are NEW. Include URL web links for products. If you don’t know yet what you are bringing, please send the information to Megan once identified, mrobinson@yournbs.com.
  • Please list website URLs for each manufacturer

  • Contact Information

    Please list contact info as you'd like it to appear on the REOCON map and event communications.
  • Interested in a sponsorship? If so, please list which one from the list above, raffle item or monetary donation towards a raffle item.
  • Does your exhibit require access to power? An oversized item needing floor space? Surface area for materials? Please list your requests and we will do our best to consider and/or accommodate all requests.

  • Please supply a high-resolution jpeg (300dpi) or vectorized eps (Adobe Illustrator).
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, eps, ai, Max. file size: 32 MB.