Novi, MI
48,000 sq/ft
3 floors
300 employees

Space planning
Architectural products

SW_1 Lounge by Coalesse
Resonate modular carpet tiles by Masland Contract
Answer workstation by Steelcase
Focus task chair by SitOnIt Seating
Operable Partitions by Moderco
View Series by NxtWall
ClickShare by Barco
QtPro sound masking by Steelcase

Learning Care Group

Knowledge is Power in this Workplace

When the Learning Care Group (LCG) decided to upgrade its corporate offices, they were studious in their approach. To help them gather facts, NBS led a field trip to Steelcase headquarters. One insight that appealed to LCG was the Power of Place to boost employee engagement and performance. Applying this concept became a guiding principle in the renovation.

To start, NBS conducted a programming audit. Based on this research, we developed a more flexible, forward-looking space plan. In a seamless handover, NBS Construction Solutions then produced the required documentation, demolition and reconstruction—without disrupting ongoing operations in occupied spaces. To help ensure the project’s success, LCG created a cross-functional team that provided valuable input and feedback throughout the process while cultivating a shared sense of purpose across the organization.

One of the new spaces designed for these educators is dubbed the reading room, a quiet retreat with lounge seating for contemplation or conferring with a colleague. On a larger scale, camaraderie is reinforced through improved sightlines created by removing certain interior walls and replacing others with modular NxtWall glass partitions.

New value was created in their existing real estate by installing operable walls that provide the flexibility to reconfigure workspaces. These walls move easily to convert an expansive room into smaller, more practical spaces. Alternatively, small adjoining spaces can be combined into a big meeting or training room. Both large gatherings and small group work are enabled by projector presentation and communication technologies, as well as sound masking, installed by NBS Audiovisual Solutions.

Idea leadership is an important concept to educators. Now, with the help of the subject matter experts at Steelcase and NBS, the LCG workspace is at the top of its class.

More information about this leading childcare and education organization can be found at

This project showcases the power of NBS interior integration (architecture, furniture and technology). We believe that when these three disciplines are brought together early in the planning process, good things happen. Fewer errors occur, efficiency improves, and your stress goes down – because we handle EVERYTHING.

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