15,350 square feet
1 floor (4th floor Skillman Building)
32 private rooms and nursery

Architectural Products

Plyfold Chair by Wieland
Wedgewood Guest Seating by Wieland
Harmony Sleep Chair by La-Z-Boy
Miller Sleep Loveseat by Legacy
Stable Base Rocker by Adden
Criterion Task Seating by Steelcase
Cubical Curtain by Architex
Graphic Wallcovering by Progressive Art & Framing

Oakwood Hospital: Mother-Baby Unit

Making Hospitality Part of the Hospital Experience

Historically, hospital aesthetics have left patients and visitors cold. Not anymore. Driven by stiffer competition and technology that’s revolutionizing care, hospitals are taking a page from the hotel-and- spa-playbook to find a new balance between high tech medicine, customer service and compassionate care. Creating these spaces requires the right partner, just as Sarnacki & Associates Architects did with NBS Commercial Interiors.

Increasingly, the effects of environment on a patient’s emotional state is influencing healthcare design. With this in mind, Sarnacki and NBS worked as a dynamic team with complementary specialties to design 32 private rooms, plus post-partum suites and a nursery. The new unit is functional in terms of patient care delivery, cleanliness and sterility, but also creates a warmer, welcoming climate. We developed finishes, colors and patterns for floors, walls and workstations that support Sarnacki’s master plan while creating an atmosphere for healthy outcomes. Our under-the-sea theme integrates softer colors, wave patterns, sail shapes and other iconic imagery. Based on its reception, the theme will be adapted to a new pediatric unit.

The prognosis for healthcare design is exceptionally bright. To bring your vision to life and learn more about our healthcare expertise contact the NBS Commercial Interiors Healthcare Team.

Find out more about Maternity and all the health services available at Oakwood by visiting


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