February 28, 2022

Is Your AV Integrated? Here’s Why It Should Be

Technology is a key player in how we work today. Often technology is thought about last in space planning. In reality, it should be considered early in the process, as it has become an integral part in the way we meet and connect. No longer can you hang a display on the wall and call it a day. Audiovisual elements like microphones, cameras, speakers, bring your own device systems (BYOD), and digital signage have all become pieces of a holistic collaboration environment.

Audiovisual systems can be an investment, and to meet the new demands of how people work today, organizations are seeing technology assume an even larger portion of their project budget. When technology is not planned for up front or holistically with the other areas of the project, organizations could end up with sub-par performance – and no one wants that. Is there glare on your display from windows? Poor lighting for video conferencing? Inadequate sound due to surface materials in the room or improper placement of microphones? These headaches can be avoided if AV planning is done in conjunction with the architectural and furniture elements of the project.

As NBS Audiovisual Specialist Jack Waite explains, “one way to think of it, furniture lives ON the space, but AV lives IN the space.”

Our NBS Audiovisual Solutions group are expert consultants and system designers to help with:

  • Bring Your Own Device solutions (BYOD)
  • Camera, microphone, and speaker selection
  • Acoustics, including sound masking
  • Lighting recommendations
  • Furniture (selection / surface material / layout)
  • Wire management

Key parts of integrated audiovisual

Workers today want simple, user-friendly technology when they meet in the office. Single touch and intuitive systems mean less frustration and time spent setting up for the meeting. Organizations returning to their offices may need to think about adding cameras to transform spaces into Zoom rooms or replacing the traditional conference table with a V-shape table so everyone can be seen on video in a large conference space. The materials chosen for the floor, walls and ceiling all affect the functionality of a meeting room. This is why it’s so important to understand up front what the AV goals and needs are in a space. When these goals are uncovered early in the process, the space can be designed with technology in mind and support the equipment for the best aesthetic and user experience, whether remote or in-person.

NBS can help transform meeting spaces into a better collaboration experience. Our integrated divisions of architecture, furniture and technology allow us to have critical conversations and planning sessions with our clients from the beginning to create beautiful, functional and high-performing spaces. To learn more about how we can help enhance your technology experiences, explore our audiovisual solutions.